Literary Fiction

To Be a Man: Stories Nicole Krauss

TO BE A MAN: STORIES is a marvelous collection from a contemporary master. Krauss runs the gamit of thorny connections between men and women, illustrating the forces that drive human existance. The reader will greedily digest tales of sex, power, violence, passion, self-discovery and growing older.  ...

Roman Stories Jhumpa Lahiri

ROMAN STORIES is the long awaited collection by the master of the form. The Pulitzer Prize winner chose to write these treasures in her adopted language of Italian and translate them herself into English. The last selected piece might have been guided by the ghost of Dante Alighieri.



Dissident Gardens Jonathan Lethem

DISSIDENT GARDENS follows an extremely left leaning (can you say Communist?)  protagonist through the decades. For his mother and daughter, the line between personal and political is difficult to distinguish.


THIS COPY (shown below) was hand signed by Jonathan Lethem on a page...

A Gambler's Anatomy Jonathan Lethem

A GAMBLER'S ANATOMY is a whopper of an entertaining story about an "amateur" player traveling the world winning huge sums at swanky backgammon  tables - until his luck turns.


THIS COPY (shown below) was hand signed by Jonathan Lethem on a page that was bound into the book.  It is...

The Feral Detective Jonathan Lethem

THE FERAL DETECTIVE is a mystery written by one of our greatest prosists, and his first in nearly two decades. It is the story of an eccentric gumshoe hired by a young spitfire of a woman to find her friend's missing daughter, and the bizarre adventures that the search leads them on.



The Arrest Jonathan Lethem

THE ARREST is a fantastic story set in a postapocalyptic future, where much of our modern inventions...

Honey Victor Lodato

HONEY follows the glamerous daughter of a New Jersey mobster who leaves a world of art and beauty to return home in her twilight years. She deals with her violent past in this deeply moving portrait of some things never changing.


THIS COPY (shown below) was hand signed on the...

The Lost Book of the Grail Charlie Lovett

THE LOST BOOK OF THE GRAIL gives bibliophiles an inside look at historic works of literature and religion. These treasures are explained in the delightful relationship between a stodgy British librarian and a modern American gal who also adores books.


THIS COPY (shown below) was hand...

Do Tell Lindsay Lynch

DO TELL delivers a roller-coaster, non-stop look at the golden days of Hollywood. It is authentic, and a must read for all movie fans - regardless of your favorite era. This is a genuine inside peek at studios, actors, and all the participants involved.


THIS COPY (shown...

A Wild Winter Swan Gregory Maguire

A WILD WINTER SWAN is another innovative riff on a beloved classic tale by Maguire, following up...