Kerry Madden-Lunsford - Werewolf Hamlet

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 6:00 PM

You're invited to the launch party for Kerry Madden-Lunsford's Werewolf Hamlet!

Tickets are $25.00 and include a signed first edition of the book, secure parking, reception and show.

6 PM: Reception
6:30 PM: Dramatic reading by UAB actors, presentation by author, Q&A, and signing.

Free secure parking; cash bar.

Hosted by Lanier Isom, Patti Callahan Henry, and the Alabama Booksmith,
A portion of the ticket proceeds will go to support NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Health).

You may purchase signed first editions of Werewolf Hamlet (18.99) to pick up at the store later, or have them carefully wrapped and mailed worldwide by Clicking Here.

Event Location: 

Red Mountain Theatre Arts Campus
1600 3rd Ave S
Birmingham, AL 35233