Seven Shades of Evil (Matthew Corbett #9) - LIMITED TIME ONLY

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Available for Preorder
Through December 6, 2024
Ships early December, 2024
Limited Time Only

Signed Trade Softcover
Regular Publisher's Price

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The Alabama Booksmith does not carry soft cover books.  This edition is only available in conjunction with the launch of the final Matthew Corbett title, and may be preordered from today until December 6, 2024. We are temporarily suspending our way of doing business to allow Robert McCammon's loyal fans this one opportunity to own signed copies of titles long out-of-print in hardback - including every volume in the Matthew Corbett series.

ROBERT MCCAMMON (pictured below from our Wall of Fame) is a Homeboy who has launched every title at the store since coming out of retirement in 2002. Like his fans around the world, we are thrilled that this New York Times best seller is again writing in his unique style that ultimately allows good to triumph over evil. He is best known for Boy's Life that is required reading in three out of every four high schools in America. Our staff is hooked on his Matthew Corbett series that we believe showcases the most exciting sleuth in fiction since Sherlock Holmes. Thank you Robert McCammon for signing our books.

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