SILENT CAVALRY: HOW UNION SOLDIERS FROM ALABAMA HELPED SHERMAN BURN ATLANTA AND THEN GOT WRITTEN OUT OF HISTORY finally sets the record straight after Lost Cause historians distorted what really happened. This veteran Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and former executive editor of The New York Times has written an epic story that took him six decades.
THIS COPY (shown below) was hand signed by Howell Raines on the title page at the store. It is a new, unread hardback opened only for signing and comes with a certificate authenticating the signature. Published in December, 2023 by Crown, an imprint of Pengun Random House Publishers.
HOWELL RAINES (shown below on our Wall of Fame) is the author of five books, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and former executive editor of The New York Times. Thank you Howell Raines for signing our books.