Rick Bragg will read from his upcoming new book, THE BEST COOK IN THE WORLD: TALES FROM MY MOMMA'S TABLE. Orders placed at the event will guarantee a signed first edition on publication date (April 3, 2018) and each copy purchased will give a chance at the drawing for a beautiful signed, numbered, limited red leather slipcase edition of ALL OVER BUT THE SHOUTIN'.
Rick will also sign copies of the new Garden & Gun book, S IS FOR SOUTHERN: A GUIDE TO THE SOUTH, FROM ABSINTHE TO ZYDECO, which includes two of his stories.
Additionally, he will be happy to personalize his prvious titles (and we have hardback signed copies of almost every one).
If you would like to reserve a copy ($28.95), and we do not have your information on file, you may send it to our easy, secure and encrypted web form by Clicking Here
If you would like to reserve a copy ($28.95), and we already have your information on file you can send a quick, simple email to us by Clicking Here!
Alabama Booksmith
2626 19th Place South
Homewood, AL 35209