Booksmith Timeless Classics

The Star of Istanbul Robert Olen Butler

STAR OF ISTANBUL is another in the Christopher Marlow Cobb  exciting adventures of a newspaperman turned spy who in this story is aboard the ill fated Lusitania following a German agent during World War I.  This title has been selected as a Booksmith Timeless Classic, meaning it is among the best of the best...

Moonglow Michael Chabon

MOONGLOW is Chabon at his best, telling multiple stories that are taken from real life, although most are created from his mind. Readers will be  treated to an intense World War II hero who spends time in jail for attacking his civilian boss, a holocaust survivor, and even a few appearances from Wernher von Braun, the...

At the Edge of the Orchard Tracy Chevalier

AT THE EDGE OF THE ORCHARD is a riveting family drama with settings ranging from Connecticut through Ohio to California, in the middle of the nineteenth century. A harsh theme is discovered understanding different types of apple trees and the fruit they produce. This title has been selected as a Booksmith...

All the Governor's Men Katherine Clark

ALL THE GOVERNOR'S MEN: A MOUNTAIN BROOK NOVEL with a foreword by Pat Conroy, is a fictional account of George Wallace's run for Governor in 1982 when he faces a young progressive. This darkly comic novel with an unspoken sexual overtone depicts the social and political landscape of Alabama that is like no other, and...

Everyone Brave is Forgiven Chris Cleave

EVERYONE BRAVE IS FORGIVEN is set in London at the beginning of World War II, and tells the little known story of teachers sending their pupils to rural areas to protect them from Nazi air raids in London - the light skin children, that is. There is also a wartime story of romance and loss. The book is inspired by the...

Revelation Dennis Covington

REVELATION: A SEARCH FOR FAITH IN A VIOLENT WORLD is part memoir, part reporting from the most dangerous area on earth, and part the author's questioning of his own faith. This powerful story came close to costing the writer his life.  This title has been selected as a Booksmith Timeless Classic, meaning it is...

What Stands in a Storm Kim Cross

WHAT STANDS IN A STORM: THREE DAYS IN THE WORST SUPERSTORM TO HIT THE SOUTH'S TORNADO ALLEY  shows a reporter's eye for the facts, and a brilliant feel for personal and family drama. It is truly a fascinating read that reveals what holds us together in tragic times. This title has been selected as a Booksmith...

The Sunlit Night Rebecca Dinerstein

THE SUNLIT NIGHT finds a young girl fleeing heartbreak in Manhattan and a Russian immigrant from Brooklyn meeting up near the Arctic Circle. The novel feels like a young master's touch has delivered a tale that is full of fun, love, mystery and even on occasion could pass for a travel book. This title has been...

A Higher Standard: Leadership Strategies from America’s First Female Four-Star General Ann Dunwoody

A HIGHER STANDARD: LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES FROM AMERICA’S FIRST FEMALE FOUR-STAR GENERAL shares the driving forces behind General Ann Dunwoody's extraordinary success that apply to every leader. These ideas are treasures. This title has been selected as a Booksmith Timeless Classic, meaning it is among the best...

Footnotes From the World’s Greatest Bookstores Bob Eckstein

FOOTNOTES FROM THE WORLD’S GREATEST BOOKSTORES is a classic for book lovers and an incredible gift for every coffee table. The beautiful images and neat stories should inspire many "sicko book people" (as we lovingly refer to our customers and supporters) to visit as many of these "shrines to readers" as possible in...